You, God, Love, Life: Self Transformation Principles by Charles Berner Now available on Amazon Books, All of us have been on both sides: giving help and receiving help. If you need help, ever received help or if you are in the helping professions, I think you’ll find the following comments helpful and insightful. "Now that you have read all the chapters on help, read them once again. You will much better appreciate the proceeding chapters. I mentioned earlier that people often have to be in desperate straits and awful conditions before they will receive help. I have a self enquiry technique to help you get over that. It goes, "Tell me what condition you have to be in in order to be helped." Do this technique until you get over having to be in conditions to be helped. You can just be helped. You don't have to be broke. You don't have to be sick. You don't have to be having a tremendous emotional upset. The best time to be helped is when you are feeling emotionally good and physically healthy. Your greatest benefit will happen in a helping situation when you are in good health. This technique will get you over all the idiot conditions you have created or set upon yourself about receiving help. This exercise will have you self reflect and communicate these conditions to another. These conditions then become part of your consciousness rather than remaining part of your unconscious mind which influences your behaviour in unconscious, automatic ways. Some of the conditions people have are very subtle. A condition such as, “My parents would have to say okay.” They hold this thought condition even though their parents never ever told them that. It's just something that they created. It has to be socially acceptable to be helped in that particular manner. It has to be somebody you trust. It has to be the best in the field. That's a common one. "I'm on the verge of death, but I can only receive heart surgery from Dr. So-and-so, the world famous heart surgeon. I cannot receive help from anyone else." I personally could receive effective help from anyone because my conditions are almost none. I'd follow what you told me and I'd get something out of it. No matter what it was. If you tell me to run in place and build up my endurance, I would run in place and build up my endurance. Your ability to receive help is very important in self improvement activities. I advise you to take into consideration the points that I have given you here. Lastly, remember that help never really takes place. What takes place is communication, understanding and increased consciousness of each other as Divine. Help implies that someone else is doing something for you. Help is really a disguised word for a brand of communication that is followed by an increase in the ability you manifest in life; in your relationships. Relating is the truth; help is an illusion. Though help is an illusion or apparency, that doesn't make it bad. It's just that it isn't what people think it is. It is kind of an overlay concept that implies that someone has done something for you. But the truth is that no one can do anything for you. You can relate with them and they with you and that passes for help. Really it’s your relationships that are improving." You, God, Love, Life: Self Transformation Principles, Charles Berner. Now available on Amazon Books,
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