Relationship Evolution
Relationship Evolution Dyad
Tell me something you like about me.
Tell me something you think we agree on.
Tell me something about yourself you want me to know.
Tell me something you think we agree on.
Tell me something about yourself you want me to know.
Principles of Relationship Evolution
1. You are a Spiritual or Divine Individual.
You are unique. And you are undividable. You are a unity, complete unto Your self. You exist, yet you are non-physical. You have no material existence. You are the source. You have not been created or caused by anything. You’re not in time and space and you have no mass or energy. You can choose to know or not know yourself and others. And you have the power to act, that is, you have free will or volition.
2. The relationship or nature evolves, you don’t.
You are a unity, complete, pure and perfect. So are others. You and others don’t change. Your relationship with others changes and evolves as you get closer to them. The nature of your relationship with others evolve, you don’t.
3. Others are Divine Individuals
The Divine Individual is not a body, brain or a mind. You and Others are equivalent. You are the same, but Others are not You. You have the same abilities, but some Others have learned how to demonstrate or relate more of their abilities than others.
4. You and Others relate through communication.
Communication is the transfer or exchange of thought from one non-physical individual to another. Communication cannot be forced. A conscious or divine individual can only be invited into a relationship. Others can choose whether they are going to communicate or not and this should be acknowledged.
5. Keep your attention on the Divine Individual
Keep your attention on another as a conscious, non-physical being, not a thing that can be manipulated or forced. People who would like to control or manipulate others, do not like to view life in this way. To the degree that people think of themselves as material instead of Divine, they can be manipulated. However, manipulation is not communication. Communication means to deal with the divine conscious individual, and that live conscious individual cannot be forced.
6. Understanding is the result of communication.
Communication is the transfer of a thought from one conscious individual to another. When communication is successful, understanding occurs.
Most interpersonal problems are resolvable by communication because most interpersonal problems are caused by non-communication.
7. Understanding is the only way to resolve interpersonal relationships.
If you know that understanding is the only resolution to human relationships then you will not try other ways to resolve problems such as manipulating, bribing, cheating or forcing people.
8. Communicate your truth without injury to another.
Communicate what is arising in your consciousness without criticizing, blaming, making the other wrong or trying to change them. In fact, without even referring to them. This is the essence of Relationship Evolution. If you do this, there is no chance that you can cause injury. If the other feels hurt, it is not you who is doing the hurting.
9 Put yourself second.
If there is difficulty in the relating space between two individuals, it is more than likely, there is a mis-understanding or a non-understanding that has taken place. Effective communication is the likely remedy for bringing about understanding. If both people are trying to get their point across in order to be understood at the same time, no effective communication can take place. Let the other go first. Be willing to understand. Bringing the breath into the belly and relaxing into non judgmental listening can be helpful in stressful relating situations.
10. Face the Crisis
Make up your mind to stay with the crisis until it is resolved and complete, no matter how long it takes. Once you make that decision and stay with it, things will go much more easily and progress will start to happen.
You are unique. And you are undividable. You are a unity, complete unto Your self. You exist, yet you are non-physical. You have no material existence. You are the source. You have not been created or caused by anything. You’re not in time and space and you have no mass or energy. You can choose to know or not know yourself and others. And you have the power to act, that is, you have free will or volition.
2. The relationship or nature evolves, you don’t.
You are a unity, complete, pure and perfect. So are others. You and others don’t change. Your relationship with others changes and evolves as you get closer to them. The nature of your relationship with others evolve, you don’t.
3. Others are Divine Individuals
The Divine Individual is not a body, brain or a mind. You and Others are equivalent. You are the same, but Others are not You. You have the same abilities, but some Others have learned how to demonstrate or relate more of their abilities than others.
4. You and Others relate through communication.
Communication is the transfer or exchange of thought from one non-physical individual to another. Communication cannot be forced. A conscious or divine individual can only be invited into a relationship. Others can choose whether they are going to communicate or not and this should be acknowledged.
5. Keep your attention on the Divine Individual
Keep your attention on another as a conscious, non-physical being, not a thing that can be manipulated or forced. People who would like to control or manipulate others, do not like to view life in this way. To the degree that people think of themselves as material instead of Divine, they can be manipulated. However, manipulation is not communication. Communication means to deal with the divine conscious individual, and that live conscious individual cannot be forced.
6. Understanding is the result of communication.
Communication is the transfer of a thought from one conscious individual to another. When communication is successful, understanding occurs.
Most interpersonal problems are resolvable by communication because most interpersonal problems are caused by non-communication.
7. Understanding is the only way to resolve interpersonal relationships.
If you know that understanding is the only resolution to human relationships then you will not try other ways to resolve problems such as manipulating, bribing, cheating or forcing people.
8. Communicate your truth without injury to another.
Communicate what is arising in your consciousness without criticizing, blaming, making the other wrong or trying to change them. In fact, without even referring to them. This is the essence of Relationship Evolution. If you do this, there is no chance that you can cause injury. If the other feels hurt, it is not you who is doing the hurting.
9 Put yourself second.
If there is difficulty in the relating space between two individuals, it is more than likely, there is a mis-understanding or a non-understanding that has taken place. Effective communication is the likely remedy for bringing about understanding. If both people are trying to get their point across in order to be understood at the same time, no effective communication can take place. Let the other go first. Be willing to understand. Bringing the breath into the belly and relaxing into non judgmental listening can be helpful in stressful relating situations.
10. Face the Crisis
Make up your mind to stay with the crisis until it is resolved and complete, no matter how long it takes. Once you make that decision and stay with it, things will go much more easily and progress will start to happen.