Prayer of Transition
A rendition based upon Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Guide Through the After Death Experience
Presented by
Yoah Wexler and Gitesha Brendle
Dear One the time has arrived for you to begin to understand the reality of the universe. You are experiencing the clear white light of universal mind. This is a state where all things will be clear and certain. At this moment you will Know yourself. Rest in this truth.
My Friend listen to what I'm saying. You are now experiencing the reality of life. You have infinite ability. You are all knowing. You are love itself. You are not made up of form or substance. You are right now the basic truth of existence. Your own mind is now void and empty. It is limitless ability, unobstructed, shining and blissful. What you are experiencing is your own consciousness, not formed into anything. This is the state of liberation and enlightenment. Recognize this unformed state of consciousness to be your own potential mind. Rest in this Truth.
Dear One pay attention to what I'm saying. It's time to wake up. you no longer have a physical body. You are free. You have amazing powers. Merge with the brilliant clear white light. Let go of what you are holding on to. Nothing can hurt you. Don't hold back. Abandon all fixed points of view. Be like the ocean. Be like the sky. All directions at once. You have amazing powers. Merge with the brilliant clear white light. Merge with the All Encompassing Wisdom at the center of your being.
My Friend merge with the clear white light. Don't long for what's finished. You can't stay here anymore. Death has happened. It happens to everyone. Don't be afraid. Let go of what you once held onto. Let others possess what you once held as your own. Whatever appears in your consciousness recognize as your own potential mind. Rest in this truth.
Dear One, Listen to what I am saying with full attention. Do not let your mind wander. You are glorious. You are love and loved. You are the entire universe singing your song of enlightenment and liberation. At this moment you will know yourself and recognize your fully awakened nature. Rest in this Truth.
The Guide Through the After Death Experience
Presented by
Yoah Wexler and Gitesha Brendle
Dear One the time has arrived for you to begin to understand the reality of the universe. You are experiencing the clear white light of universal mind. This is a state where all things will be clear and certain. At this moment you will Know yourself. Rest in this truth.
My Friend listen to what I'm saying. You are now experiencing the reality of life. You have infinite ability. You are all knowing. You are love itself. You are not made up of form or substance. You are right now the basic truth of existence. Your own mind is now void and empty. It is limitless ability, unobstructed, shining and blissful. What you are experiencing is your own consciousness, not formed into anything. This is the state of liberation and enlightenment. Recognize this unformed state of consciousness to be your own potential mind. Rest in this Truth.
Dear One pay attention to what I'm saying. It's time to wake up. you no longer have a physical body. You are free. You have amazing powers. Merge with the brilliant clear white light. Let go of what you are holding on to. Nothing can hurt you. Don't hold back. Abandon all fixed points of view. Be like the ocean. Be like the sky. All directions at once. You have amazing powers. Merge with the brilliant clear white light. Merge with the All Encompassing Wisdom at the center of your being.
My Friend merge with the clear white light. Don't long for what's finished. You can't stay here anymore. Death has happened. It happens to everyone. Don't be afraid. Let go of what you once held onto. Let others possess what you once held as your own. Whatever appears in your consciousness recognize as your own potential mind. Rest in this truth.
Dear One, Listen to what I am saying with full attention. Do not let your mind wander. You are glorious. You are love and loved. You are the entire universe singing your song of enlightenment and liberation. At this moment you will know yourself and recognize your fully awakened nature. Rest in this Truth.