2021 April/Easter Enlightenment Intensive
1 - 7 April 2021
1 - 7 April 2021
Hello Dear Friends of Enlightenment and Love
I hope you are finding your re-integration back into your daily life easeful and enjoyable. And that you found something beneficial in the journey of enlightenment that we shared. Of course one great benefit is certainly the enlightenment ‘experience’ if you were so ‘graced.’ Alas we can’t make it happen. But, the depth of meditation, honest and self reflective communication, the non judgemental listening skills and abilities gained are just a few of the ‘worldly’ benefits, aren’t they! So….until next time…..
In this Post-Enlightenment Intensive email I'm inspired to share a few things that I trust you may use and find useful. Here’s a summary of what I’ve shared:
In this Post-Enlightenment Intensive email I'm inspired to share a few things that I trust you may use and find useful. Here’s a summary of what I’ve shared:
1. 1-7 April 2021Easter Enlightenment Intensive dates
2. Emptying the Mind: Light on the Enlightenment Technique.
3. Enlightenment Intensive Follow Up Dyads
4. How to do the Relating Dyad Communication Practice.
5. A Communication Meditation: Relating Dyads
6. Books
7. Cartoon: Harriet finds her Self...
8. Gitesha cooks up a love animation message.
2. Emptying the Mind: Light on the Enlightenment Technique.
3. Enlightenment Intensive Follow Up Dyads
4. How to do the Relating Dyad Communication Practice.
5. A Communication Meditation: Relating Dyads
6. Books
7. Cartoon: Harriet finds her Self...
8. Gitesha cooks up a love animation message.
Emptying the Mind: Light on the Enlightenment Technique
Charles Berner, the originator of the Enlightenment Intensive, wrote in his book, Consciousness of Truth, that “there are basically two classical techniques for emptying the mind. One burns or dissolves away the contents of the mind, and the other temporarily separates the mind from the field of consciousness.”
When the field of consciousness is empty there is a greater probability of enlightenment than when it is full of impressions, thoughts, memories, doubts and an intellect that compares, judges and tries to figure things out.
We use both ways to get to the plain Truth at the Enlightenment Intensive.
Dissolving the impressions in the mind is what takes place when you communicate to your partner what arises in your consciousness and your partner understands or ‘gets you.’
Separating the mind from the field of consciousness is when you ‘push or move aside’ that which is not coming into awareness as a result of contemplating on YOU, the object of enlightenment. So when the thought arises, “Did the back door get locked?” that impression or thought gets moved aside because it didn’t arise from your intention to directly know you self.
When the field of consciousness is empty there is a greater probability of enlightenment than when it is full of impressions, thoughts, memories, doubts and an intellect that compares, judges and tries to figure things out.
We use both ways to get to the plain Truth at the Enlightenment Intensive.
Dissolving the impressions in the mind is what takes place when you communicate to your partner what arises in your consciousness and your partner understands or ‘gets you.’
Separating the mind from the field of consciousness is when you ‘push or move aside’ that which is not coming into awareness as a result of contemplating on YOU, the object of enlightenment. So when the thought arises, “Did the back door get locked?” that impression or thought gets moved aside because it didn’t arise from your intention to directly know you self.
https://www.enlightenmentintensive.com.au/the-enlightenment-technique.html |
The Enlightenment Technique
by Charles Berner WANT TO READ MORE click this link |
The core of the Enlightenment Intensive is contained in the Enlightenment Technique.
Understanding the technique makes it possible to conduct an Enlightenment Intensive properly. There is a lot to understand. You should aim for a complete understanding of how the technique works so that you can see why it is constructed the way it is. If you do not understand it all, you will not appreciate the great truth and power that is contained in it and you will be tempted to vary it, thinking that one way is as good as the other. You will drift away from the exact technique, as many people have, with the result that the power of it will weaken and weaken and you will end up with some ordinary activity.
WANT TO READ MORE click this link
Understanding the technique makes it possible to conduct an Enlightenment Intensive properly. There is a lot to understand. You should aim for a complete understanding of how the technique works so that you can see why it is constructed the way it is. If you do not understand it all, you will not appreciate the great truth and power that is contained in it and you will be tempted to vary it, thinking that one way is as good as the other. You will drift away from the exact technique, as many people have, with the result that the power of it will weaken and weaken and you will end up with some ordinary activity.
WANT TO READ MORE click this link
Enlightenment Intensive Follow Up Dyads
a. Tell me an enlightenment experience you had.
b. Tell me what I need to know in order to understand that experience completely.
a. Tell me a truth you have discovered about who you are.
b. Tell me how you have been or have not been able to apply that truth in your life.
Tell me how your life has been affected by your enlightenment experience.
Tell me how your life has been affected by the Enlightenment Intensive.
a. Tell me an enlightenment experience you had.
b. Tell me what I need to know in order to understand that experience completely.
a. Tell me a truth you have discovered about who you are.
b. Tell me how you have been or have not been able to apply that truth in your life.
Tell me how your life has been affected by your enlightenment experience.
Tell me how your life has been affected by the Enlightenment Intensive.
How to do Relating Dyads
1. The Relating Dyad Communication Practice is a formal self improvement communication exercise for two people. Its purpose is to create understanding by increasing a persons ability to relate themselves to others. The word 'Dyad' comes from the Greek language. It means the number 2 or a couple.
2. Relating Dyad Communication Exercises are divided into self improvement programs. There are several relating dyad self improvement programs dealing with a variety of issues: Couples Relating; Self Awareness; Problem Solutions; Addiction & Recovery; Ethics & Values, etc.
Each program is made up of a series of communication exercises.
3. The Relating Dyad Communication Exercise begins as you and your partner sit facing each other. You both sit on chairs or on the floor and sit at the same eye level a distance apart that's comfortable for both of you.
4. Each of you decide which particular dyad exercise you each want to focus on and who will be the first listening/receptive partner and who will be the first contemplating/communicating/active partner.
Read more: Click this link.
2. Relating Dyad Communication Exercises are divided into self improvement programs. There are several relating dyad self improvement programs dealing with a variety of issues: Couples Relating; Self Awareness; Problem Solutions; Addiction & Recovery; Ethics & Values, etc.
Each program is made up of a series of communication exercises.
3. The Relating Dyad Communication Exercise begins as you and your partner sit facing each other. You both sit on chairs or on the floor and sit at the same eye level a distance apart that's comfortable for both of you.
4. Each of you decide which particular dyad exercise you each want to focus on and who will be the first listening/receptive partner and who will be the first contemplating/communicating/active partner.
Read more: Click this link.
Communication as Meditation
Relating Dyads
Relating Dyads
Communication exercises are not generally thought of as a meditation practice. This one is. Meditation is a sustained and one pointed focus on what you put your attention on. In this exercise your attention is either on your partner when you are listening to them or on yourself, when you are self reflecting. This is an active meditation and one that engages you to enter into life and living. It has profound beneficial effects on your well being.
The Communication Meditation exercise, also known as a ‘relating dyad,’ is normally done with a partner and is not meant to be a solo self-reflective activity. The other person can be a total stranger, your best friend or your spouse. The two people sit opposite each other. One person gives the other a specific instruction such as, “Tell me how you want to be loved” or Tell me a problem you’re having in life” Or “Tell me who you are.” After giving the instruction the person listens without interrupting for a prearranged amount of time, usually 5 minutes. At the end of five minutes the listener acknowledges the speaker by saying “Thank you” and the roles reverse. This goes on back and forth for usually forty minutes. It is a very simple but extremely effective exercise that relieves the burdens of emotional and mental stress accumulating from ineffective and poor relating habits. People really like the dyad process even though some find it personally confronting because they feel listened to and understood. They feel safe and supported by the formal dyad structure and guidelines in which one can speak honestly without being interrupted or challenged. People experience expanded states of consciousness with respect to the topic they are contemplating upon and they develop functional communication habits and listening skills at the same time.
The dyad process is a modern Western communication exercise that embraces the Eastern principles of complementariness, the yin and yang union of opposites. It combines the principles of Eastern self reflection and the Western psychological approaches of honest communication and effective listening skills. It is both a meditation that dives deep into silence and solitude and an expressive communication exercise that supports you to reach out to another in order to bring about understanding between yourself and another.
The dyad process is a modern Western communication exercise that embraces the Eastern principles of complementariness, the yin and yang union of opposites. It combines the principles of Eastern self reflection and the Western psychological approaches of honest communication and effective listening skills. It is both a meditation that dives deep into silence and solitude and an expressive communication exercise that supports you to reach out to another in order to bring about understanding between yourself and another.