Hello, I'm Yoah and I facilitate the Enlightenment Intensive.
I facilitated my first Enlightenment Intensive in San Diego, California in 1980. Prior to that I had been a participant and a support person at Enlightenment Intensives for several years. Since that time I have facilitated the Enlightenment Intensive in Australia, America, Indonesia and India helping thousands of sincere seekers of Truth discover, recover and uncover the Truth of who they are.
I began my informal association with the Enlightenment Intensive in 1968, only a few months after the first Enlightenment Intensive retreat was held. I was a student at San Diego State University. My area of study and interest was human communication and the varieties of spiritual states of consciousness. I first heard about the Enlightenment Intensive, the enlightenment dyad process and it’s WHO AM I meditation from a friend who introduced the process to my circle of friends at University. Over the next several months my friends and I informally practiced the dyad process. A couple of years later my close friend and room mate, Warren Karzen, moved into the Institute of Ability. The Institute of Ability was the retreat centre where the Enlightenment Intensive had originated and was first offered by Charles Berner. Warren’s experiences of participating in three Enlightenment Intensives in just three months motivated me to a deeper dedication to continue in my spiritual and personal growth journey.
It wasn’t until 1974 that I went to the Institute of Ability to participate in my first Enlightenment Intensive. My experiences during the Enlightenment Intensive was so deep and profound that the day following the Enlightenment Intensive I asked Charles Berner if I could live and study at the retreat facility. Charles said yes and within a few weeks I moved in and began my life long study, practice and teaching of enlightenment and the Enlightenment Intensive. My love affair with the Enlightenment Intensive was not always an easy relationship. There were times that it was extremely challenging and I wanted to leave the relationship but I persevered and was generously rewarded with what the science of yoga calls Sat Chit Ananda: Truth Consciousness and Bliss. It is nearly a half century later and my interest, enthusiasm and excitement about conscious direct knowing of who I am continues to flower and bear fruit. In 1980, I began to facilitate and teach the Enlightenment Intensive process to others and have continued to do so today. My experience is that the Enlightenment Intensive is a profound opportunity to awaken and re-awaken enlightened consciousness and the Spirit of your Loving Heart. It's a few days that gives you the undistracted opportunity to dive deep into your Self and the pool of bliss that is the communal relating space between you and Others.