2020 April Enlightenment Intensive 9 - 15 April 2020 6 1/2 Days or 4 1/2 Days Adelaide Hills, South Australia Early Bird Discount by 1 March 2020 The Enlightenment Intensive is the Yoga of Enlightenment It's the transformational journey from the isolated, alienated and separate self into Unity Consciousness. Its the journey of dissolving the root causes of psychological and emotional suffering and the birthing of happiness, centeredness and contentment. Half a Century ago, Carl Rogers, the father of Humanistic Psychology, wrote that beneath each person's individual suffering was the question, "'Who am I, REALLY? How can I get in touch with this real self? ... How can I become myself?" One hundred years ago, Ramana Maharshi, the modern Indian sage and 'who am I' guru, began to teach, "Meditate upon who you are.... know yourself and you will know everything." About two thousand years ago, Patanjali, the ancient yoga sage and author of the Yoga Sutures wrote that the ultimate goal of Yoga was the conscious, direct knowing of the Self. The Enlightenment Intensive is a pragmatic exploration of reality. It is not hypothetical, theological or idealogical. It is practical, active and engaging. You bring unity to doing, knowing and loving. You engage the body, mind and the heart. You are the scientist, the philosopher and the lover. You are the experiment and the one who experiments. You are the poet and the poem. At the Enlightenment Intensive Retreat you are encouraged and inspired to go beyond the realm of limited perceptual knowledge and venture into the mode of transformational consciousness or direct knowing. This is the place where the realm of duality is dissolved. Where the perceiver and the perceived become one. Where the knower, the known and the knowing dissolve into Union Consciousness. This is the place where separation ceases to exist. This is the home of No Mind. This is the Yoga of Enlightenment and the place where the secret of Yoga is revealed.
2020 New Year Enlightenment Intensive The next Enlightenment Intensive is: April-Easter is next Enlightenment Intensive. 9 - 15 April 2020 Adelaide, South Australia 6.5 or 4.5 Days from Enlightenment, by Charles Berner The Enlightenment Exercise Structure An original contribution to the technique of enlightenment results from a basic dynamic of life: Relating. All our study show that the important factor in earlier enlightenment methods was the contact, the interchange between the teacher and his students. Relating oneself to another is the key. We have devised, tested and perfected the technique wherein maximum advantage is taken of the acceleration that relating gives to self inquiry and hence to enlightenment. A group of interested people are paired off. In each pair, one individual delivers the instruction “Tell me who you are!” to the other. The receiver of the instruction then sets out to experience “who he is.” By remaining open to the experience of himself, he is “holding his question.” Anything may occur to the individual holding his question though not necessarily who he truly is until enlightenment. At this point, he has to tell his partner, as fully as is reasonably possible what he has become conscious of as a result of holding the question, “Who am I?” The partner meanwhile, after delivering the instruction, has been holding his attention on his contemplating partner full time. When his partner replies, he is to listen and understand as well as he can, but say nothing. When For him and the partner, who has been trying to experience himself, has completed telling what he has become conscious of, he continues trying to experience himself. This cycle continues for five minutes. Then the roles are reversed and the former contemplator for him says “Tell me who you are!” to his partner. This is repeated at five minute intervals for 45 minutes. The Advantages of Having a Partner 1. The live interaction, expecting response, helps to keep one at the task of trying to experience oneself. 2. By communicating things one is not but is identified with, these things vanish to the degree that they are received and understood by another individual. Untruth vanishes by presenting it to others: Truth remains. Thus one’s mental confusions are cleared by presenting to one’s partner whatever occurs to him as result of holding the question. 3. Only by presenting oneself to another can one’s consciousness of oneself grow. 4. The stability of the enlightenment experience is determined by the degree that one can and has presented himself to another. Drugs and other mechanical techniques sometimes result in an enlightening experience, but because they are not brought on directly by the individual and are not fully expressed to an experienced by another individual error temporary in effect and only a memory remains. The enlightened exercise structure provides the basic format for optimizing the principles of relating which results in rapid, deep enlightenment experiences. This is a video Greg many years ago. “Just listen to the still voice within. This is the mind to trust. This is god consciousness speaking, not the ego that is seeking recognition.” Angela Walker I've recently published A Guide Through The After Death Experience. It's available from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08222P54G Making Sacred Space
December 2023