On Enlightenment, the Enlightenment Intensive and the Enlightenment Experience with David Weisman6/29/2019 This is a recorded interview with David Weisman. It was recorded at his mother's home in Los Angeles around the year 2000. I knew David from my years in San Diego facilitating Enlightenment Intensives. He took many of the one's I facilitated and became a friend. Here David is speaking about his enlightenment experiences and the early days of the Enlightenment Intensive around 1968. David was at the third Enlightennet Intensive held over Christmas/New Year in Lucerne Valley, Southern California. He also shared commentary on early photos that he took of the Luccerne Valley ashram community including Charles Berner.
When I saw and LISTENED to a one minute CNN promo video I had a mind blowing moment and was amazed at what appeared in my consciousness...so I set out to communicate what I was conscious of.... I used the cnn audio after removing their visuals and added my visuals....interesting huh? Below are a few enlightening comments from past participants of the Enlightenment Intensive retreat. The Enlightenment Intensive is facilitated by many teachers around the world. Gayle
I SEE YOU Open your eyes and look in the mirror For then you will truly see me Ram I realized I am everything and nothing. All knowing and all seeing. Angela I whisper “Tell me who you are” And we sit Eye to eye Knee to knee Everything is said Yet not a word is spoken Judy It was me all along!!! I am right here. Anthony What a joke! I was here all the time. Now I know myself. Mari It’s a great pleasure to be here without fear. Jim There is a tremendous energy in my body! Maybe I’m not in control. My deepest peace is in surrender Cynthia Love is a burning prayer. Everything is God. David Then BANG! It hit me. I became totally and wholly connected to the source. Prem It is loves nature to surrender. Yon And suddenly everything disappeared. And I went into union. Lany It brought such joy to my heart there is no denying we are all love and that is all there is. Sherina As I look into your eyes I see your soul I long to connect and dance with you. |
December 2023