50th Anniversary of the Enlightenment Intensive 2018 July Enlightenment Intensive 29 June - 5 July 2018 Adelaide, South Australia 6.5 Days or 4.5 Days The up coming July 4th weekend is the 50th Anniversary of the first Enlightenment Intensive. I recall Charles Berner, the originator of the EI commenting that if the Enlightenment Intensive is still being practiced in 100 years then it will have established it’s mark on the evolution of awakening practices and probably will continue on into the future. I suspect it just might make it to that 100 year anniversary.
I will be facilitating an Enlightenment Intensive to celebrate the 50th Anniversary and I invite you to celebrate with me and a few friends. It will be held on the 29 June - 5 July 2018. You can choose 4.5 days or 6.5 days of celebration. Click here to register for the Early Bird price. If you’re wondering what the Enlightenment Intensive is all about these few words from Pamela who participated in the 2018 Easter EI says it all: Day 3 of the Enlightenment Intensive, finally my mind and body surrendered. At first a feeling of lightness in contemplation and that I was not part of my body, and then explosively a huge thrust of energy occurred from my seat to the top of my head and then out of my head. My head and heart felt enormous and I knew my body could not possibly contain what I had just experienced… I knew exactly who I was. I was in union with God. ‘I am here, I-am-here, I was always here’…. then I broke into laughter, loud raucous uncontrollable laughter that went on and on and on, ‘hallelujah’, a Direct Experience. ‘I’ thought it was so hilarious that I had just dis-covered and experienced the truth about who I really was beyond any intellectual understanding. I’ve been so busy and my mind so crammed with distractions in life that I didn’t give myself sufficient space to spend time with the real ‘Me’. Thank you dyad partners for listening and sharing this experience with me. Thank you Yoah for such clear instruction and guidance."
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